Rambo is back looking for revenge.
Slyvester Stallone as John J Rambo
Most of the traps set inside the tunnels are set in the same style as the viet cong used in Vietnam.
A last minute watch online and thank god it was cause ugh. We start with some odd heavy flood rescue thing and not sure whats going on but ok its a resuce and then we cut to Rambo chilling his way on the old ranch and then his kinda daughter/niece Mexican girl wants to go find her dad in Mexico and she gets Taken lol and he comes for her hes got a set of skills haha but the te daft cow ods on shit and wait spoilers lol then poor old Rambo is left to get revenge so he gears up sets up some traps and then goes after them and makes them come to him and thats pretty much it thats the entire film and reason this is by far the shortest and maybe worst film in the franchise and he kills em all.
Directing wise well guess what first time director haha cause i aint counting a student film he made in 2012 or his 1 episode he did last year hes a first time movie director with one paid credit as a director how did he get this flick was it his name on the film but really Sly ? or was this kid sucking Slys old fat dong for the job cause fuck me again un tested and lacking skills and experience directors making fucking movies and movies that are sequels in a franchise.
So cast wise well we got some hot Mexican looking girl Yvette playing young baby Rambo kid but shes like well shes closer to 30 than being a teenager and who is the character shes playing wheres the mom who is she to Rambo like ugh so many questions then of course the token bad guys who seem crazy and awesome so great acting there but most actors here are back ground noise and not the focus of the film. Then we got old Sly as Rambo or at least partly cause i dono this felt lacking from him some parts are so raw and great and others are ugh just i dono lacking some final touches.
This felt like a cheap throw away flick its odd it has some resuce tree scene then the ranch and then some Mexican outdoors random areas and streets and some inside shots but then its ranch scenes and some tunnels its fast and limited scenes like its cheap and got no cash to film any place else wheres the Rambo talking to a shrink or driving into town getting food its all fast shes runs off and we show one night club and back to the ranch as fast as humanlly possible and then Home Alone it and defend the tunnels ? like they all went into the tunnels and all die ok i get he drags them in but no one backs out an says fuck it no one says he back up top and everyone he gets with a trap he still shows up behind them to fuckign shoot and kill them with a gun anyway so why use traps lol and why does is ranch have this unlimited tunnel system under it whats going on here why did he dig out this giant fucking Bowie Labyrnth (1986) tunnel system and they all just die down in the dark when he comes up its done the entire movie was built up to trapping retards in tunnels and then thats it he comes up and gets his man and boom done the entire movie is just background noise to get these guys into the tunnel and why thats it just hey we got this idea he kills folk in a tunnel ok build a movie around it the script seems to have been written down on a fucking napkin. Its a big fall from Rambo 1 and 2 days of glory and greatness in movies this if it was a stand alone flick just has no punch no real draw or thing i can watch for nothing to add to the characters life and story just hey hes here and does this thing for 3mins tunnel trap montage scene and the rest is boring non Rambo story of Maxican girl in Mexico and bla bla bla its like i dono felt rushed unfinished and missing some like extra touches and direction or style its a miss for me maybe in time it will set in like jam stain on your fav shirt but for now its like ahh wish it was better.
Watch it dont who cares its an old dude doing shit that makes no sense if you didnt grow up in the 80s watching the original trilogy this makes no sense and who is he cause anyone under 35 is gonna be like what whos he is that the Rocky guy whats he doing here. Not a big time rewatchable flick or a dvd buy for me.
89 mins long. cert 18. 2019
This gets 5 out of 10 on my finger scale.