- Grave Lord
- Boneyard: Increased the damage per tick of this ability and its morphs by 20%.
- Frozen Colossus: The Major Vulnerability from this ability and its morphs now last 8 seconds after dealing any damage, rather than 3 seconds after the final smash. Enemies hit by Major Vulnerability cannot be affected again for 20 seconds after it applies, to prevent situations where this debuff could be kept up indefinitely by rotating an army of Necromancers.
- Rapid Rot: Increased the damage bonus for this passive to 15%, up from 10%.
- Reusable Parts: Increased the cost reduction granted from this passive to 25/50%, up from 12/25%.
- Shocking Siphon: Increased the damage per tick of this ability and its morphs by 20%.
- Skeletal Mage: Increased the damage per hit of this ability and its morphs by 20%.
- Bone Tyrant
- Disdain Harm:
- Increased the damage reduction for this passive to 15%, up from 10%.
- Updated this passive to work more accurately with Damage over Time.
- Disdain Harm:
Gina Bruno
Community Manager - The Elder Scrolls Online
Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | Facebook | Twitter
Community Manager - The Elder Scrolls Online
Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | Facebook | Twitter

- Fixed an issue where the “giddy-up” animation and sound effects would not play upon activating mount sprint.
- In response to much of your feedback, we have increased the standards of our Damage over Time abilities by 20% compared to the original pass in PTS v5.2.0 to better encompass the fact that there are many “dead-zones” of time where these abilities fall off before you can reapply them. The overall goal is to still reduce situations where running all Damage over Time abilities is the optimal way to play in order to obtain the most overall DPS, while still ensuring those playstyles are viable and can change up the pace of combat when compared to other ability types.
- Ardent Flame
- Fiery Breath: Increased the damage per tick of the Damage over Time portion from this ability and its morphs by 50%.
- Searing Heat:
- Fixed an issue where this passive was not applying to Dragonknight Standard or its morphs.
- Updated the tooltip to indicate it only increases the Damage over Time of the abilities listed, rather than all of their damage.
- Searing Strike: Increased the damage per tick of the Damage over Time portion of this ability and its morphs by 33%. Repeating of course.
- Earthen Heart
- Molten Weapons
- Molten Armaments: Fixed numerous issues where the Heavy Attack damage bonus from this morph was not applying to attacks it previously had, such as Restoration Staves or your Off-Hand Dual Wield attacks.
- Molten Weapons
- Assassination
- Teleport Strike
- Lotus Fan (morph): Increased the damage per tick of the Damage over Time portion of this morph by 20%.
- Teleport Strike
- Shadow
- Path of Darkness
- Twisting Path (morph): Increased the damage per tick of this ability by 20%.
- Summon Shade: Increased the damage per hit of this ability and its morphs by 20%.
- Shadow Image (morph): This ability’s teleport range is now once again 28 meters, and is always reflected on the tooltip and ability bar. It will not be affected by range enhancement tools such as Battle Spirit, Reach, or Propelling Shield.
- Veiled Strike: Reduced the base cost of this ability and the Concealed Weapon morph to 2295, down from 2700, to ensure they stand out more appropriately as melee spammables such as Lava Whip or its morph, Surprise Attack.
- Path of Darkness
- Siphoning
- Cripple: Increased the damage per tick of this ability and its morphs by 20%.
- Storm Calling
- Bolt Escape
- Ball of Lightning (morph):
- This morph no longer stuns enemies at its end location. It does retain the new addition of gaining Snare and Immobilize immunity after casting, to help stand this morph out as a defensive escape tool.
- Fixed an issue where this morph was only absorbing spell-based projectiles, rather than any, as the tooltip indicates.
- Streak (morph): This morph now continues to stun enemies at your end location, in addition to stunning enemies behind you after ending. Note that the damage still only applies to enemies you pass through.
- Ball of Lightning (morph):
- Lightning Splash: Increased the Damage over Time from this ability and its morphs by 20%.
- Bolt Escape
- Daedric Summoning
- Bound Armor
- Bound Armaments (morph): Increased the damage that each dagger deals by approximately 21%.
- Summon Unstable Familiar:
- Increased the damage per hit of this ability and its morphs’ basic attacks by 20%.
- Increased the damage of the pulse attack from this morph and the Volatile Familiar morph by 20%.
- Summon Winged Twilight: Increased the damage per hit of this ability and its morphs by 20%.
- Bound Armor
- Aedric Spear
- Luminous Shards: Decreased the base cost of this morph to 4320, down
from 4950. Note that it still continues to decrease in cost base on
rank, down to 4050 at Rank IV.
- Blazing Spear (morph): This morph now increases the total damage dealt by 20% compared to the base ability, rather than 10%
- Spear Shards: Increased the damage per tick of the Damage over Time from this ability and its morphs by 50%.
- Luminous Shards: Decreased the base cost of this morph to 4320, down
from 4950. Note that it still continues to decrease in cost base on
rank, down to 4050 at Rank IV.
- Dawn’s Wrath
- Sun Fire: Increased the damage per tick of the Damage over Time portion from this ability and its morphs by 33%.
- Solar Flare
- Solar Barrage (morph): Increased the damage per tick of this morph by approximately 22%.
- Restoring Light
- Cleansing Ritual
- Ritual of Retribution (morph): This morph’s damage now once again deals damage equal to the healing coefficient.
- Cleansing Ritual
- Animal Companions
- Dive: This ability and its morphs now set the target off-balance if you are 7 meters or further, rather than 12 meters.
- Cutting Dive (morph): Increased the damage of the bleed by approximately 43% per tick.
- Swarm: Increased the Damage over Time from this ability by 20%.
- Dive: This ability and its morphs now set the target off-balance if you are 7 meters or further, rather than 12 meters.
- Winter’s Embrace
- Impaling Shards: Reduced the cost of this ability and its morphs to
3240, down from 4536, since the primary function of this ability is
utility rather than damage.
- Winter’s Revenge (morph): Increased the damage of this morph by approximately 80%. This will allow it stand out from other Damage over Time abilities.
- Impaling Shards: Reduced the cost of this ability and its morphs to
3240, down from 4536, since the primary function of this ability is
utility rather than damage.
- Two Handed
- Cleave
- Carve (morph): Increased the damage per tick of the Damage over Time portion from this morph by 50%.
- Critical Charge
- Stampede (morph): Increased the damage per tick of the Damage over Time portion from this morph by approximately 38%.
- Cleave
- Dual Wield
- Blade Cloak: Increased the damage of this ability and its morphs by 20%.
- Twin Slashes: Increased the damage per tick of the Damage over Time portion from this ability and its morphs by 33%.
- Blood Craze (morph): The healing of this morph will be increased by 33%, since it is now an equal coefficient of the damage.
- Bow
- Poison Arrow: Increased the Damage over Time portion of this ability and its morphs by 33%.
- Poison Injection (morph): This morph now applies its execute bonus to the entire ability, rather than only the Damage over Time.
- Volley: Increased the damage of this ability and its morphs by 20%.
- Poison Arrow: Increased the Damage over Time portion of this ability and its morphs by 33%.
- Destruction Staff
- Destructive Touch: Increased the Damage over Time of this ability and the Destructive Reach morph by 33%.
- Wall of Elements: Increased the Damage over Time of this ability and its morphs by 20%.
- Soul Magic
- Soul Trap: Increased the damage of this ability and its morphs by 20%.
- Werewolf
- Infectious Claws: Increased the Damage over Time portion of this ability and its morphs by 50%.
- Werewolf Transformation
- Werewolf Berserker (morph): Increased the Damage over Time from this morph’s bleed by approximately 24%.
- Fighters Guild
- Trap Beast: Increased the Damage over Time portion of this ability and its morphs by 33%.
- Mages Guild
- Entropy: Increased the damage of this ability and its morphs by 20%.
- Fire Rune
- Scalding Rune (morph): Increased the Damage over Time of this morph by 60%.