Mid flight half the population of the world disappears and the survivors must find a way to land while struggling to find out whats happened.
Nic Cage as Rayford
The movie is taken from a book and when the author was showen an early cut of the movie he said "This is the best movie i have ever seen". Cage took just 10 days to film his scenes.
Best bit is when it ended this was terrible i mean bad beyond bad it seemed odd at the start very cheap and bright looking the "airport" just looked so fake and Cage had clearly picked up a second hand Murrys wig from Ray Liotta but ok ipush past the starting looks at the airport ok we have a story that seems interesting i figured maybe its like that flight movie with oh boy himself Scott Bakula in Rescue Of Flight 771 (1993) i figure sure sumin happens and and people vanish maybe aliens maybe i dono i was kinda excited to see it play out and i got Cage what could go wrong an then i spot whats his face from The OC no wait the other teen show thingy One Tree Hill yeh Chad Michael Murray so im thinking ok lets see what happens nahh nothing we have half the world just fucking spoilers vanish just gone all the clothes they have on drop and cars crash planes crash and shit goes tits up but half are left behind get it leaving people with no kids its or kids wth no adults half the shit not working and we spent to much fucking time not on the plane but watching some fuck tard woman run around crazy looking for her kids and of course when your kids just vanish in front of you in your arms you would fuck off from that location and go cry and run around fuck me. Ok so i dont get enough time on the plane im stuck watching idiots run about but you get some time up in the sky and they are all confused as fuck not to sure how or why and dealing with the loss of most of the staff old Cage is the only pilot left but with no one on the radio at flight control to help him land and get down and wait hold right after people vanish a plane nearly flies right into him so he takes some damage to the wing or some shit i cant remember at this point i feel like i left some brain cells behind after this so hes got troubles and nothing no one tries to explain it its just they are gone end of story and the plane comes down at the end onto some construction works free way with the help from the blond running around like a headless chicken and they land and just look at the city on fire and fucked the fucking end ?.
Hey the director haha well this is not his first movie directing but hes a fucking stunt man he got to direct three episodes of that shit show Young Indiana Jones Chronicles and then some how got to direct that terrible film Joshua Tree (1993) with Drago back in the day and god that film was fucking aweful he directed a total of fuck all since then that show was like cancelled in 1993 cause it was balls and he just keeps on tucking and rolling for 21 years as a stunt man and then someone says hey give this guy the job to direct our movie ? what are you kidding me well its fucking balls its maybe the dumbest shit i have seen he clearly has no style vision or event passion head trauma maybe seen as he started doing stunts in the fucking 60s lol this guys nearly as old as my grandfather for fucks sake who he sucked for this job i dont know but i hope that cock had all the aids in it.
cast wise this film should be fine and solid Cage and triple barrel name Gary Grubbs a few other faces and solid actors even the little dude from Pirates is in here all wasted all just sat around fuck all or silly scenes and no real use no cafe scene from The Birds (1963) or 12 Angry Men (1957) just yawn fest and boom we land and thats it what happened to the people ? did they all end up on the island from Lost cause no one even tries here just the vanish and we land all good this maybe the worst movie i have seen ever at least top 5 worst and by far the worst movie of 2014 this movie came out the same year as Interstellar. Xmen Days Of Future Past. Captain America The Winter Soldier. Guardians Of The Galaxy. the Expendables 3 for fuck sake this movie cost some fucker who who gave this a green light who said this is great put it out into the world it made back just over 19 million so time you take away the 40% the cinemas get it made back half of what it cost to make meaning some rich twat lost 8 million or some company went broke and i can see why its got nothing going for it no big thing no aliens and a mountain of mash nothing just hey im Jimmy Stewart in a wig am gonna fly here and look old thats it thats the entire movie. To some up avoid this diarrhea.
Best quote: " ".
110 mins long. cert 15. 2014
This gets 1 out of 10 on my finger scale.