Movie review - Bird Box



Five years after unseen entity has people killing themselves if they see it a mother makes a bid for safety down river.

Sandra Bullock as Malorie

Sandra spent around 50% of the shooting of the movie with a blindfold on. Netflix have said that more than 45 million Netflix accounts have seen this movie meaning if those people had gone to a cinema and paid an average cinema ticket it could have easily made around 400 million at the box office.

I enjoyed the fuck outa this its fun and odd its get the same kinda feels as a few other things out there that shit flick of M Night Shamalamadingdongs that has Marky Mark run from Pollen cause he musta had some big allergies and even The Birds (1963) got that kinda vibe with a hint of well end of the world types.

Spoilers take the blindfold off here so we have the Sandy Bee with some kids about to go on a river wild Streep style and then we play cut back to... preggers Sandy going to the hospital and do here thing an get some scans she runs into whats her face from ER cause shes still working there Paraminder that's her face old bends it like becks any way I used to be hot for her but now ah old lady fat face a bit enough about her face though so Sandy gets her check up and then on the way out of the hospital thinks start to kick off fast and people are face slamming into walls and driving into each other she only makes it a few blocks away and crashes and gets helped by Malkovich wife who dies helping her... now this is a part of the movie that kinda fucks up or is cut and seems odd because its not his house they all come running into its B D Wongs and a lot of people seem to have had the wong address cause its B D and Malkovich with Sandy coming in hot with the token black guy and boom the rooms fucking filled with coat hangers fubar extras we never get names for musta been like 5 of them just all inside out of nowhere but hey ok fins more people make for more story and deaths so ok moving on course they all slowly die off but this is all going on while some thing outside is driving people mad and making them kill themselves so recap we have a house full of people who cant see this thing as it kills them but it doesn't come inside the home or try sneak in under the door or in some air vent its just a thing an entity outside roaming around killing folk so then its cut back to the river and the kids and going down stream with hello the boat and the kids I dono seem odd they play it like kids but the dialogue for them or Sandra is odd if you grow up in the world afraid of the outside and taking off the blindfold why is she screaming all the time do as your told and don't take the blindfold off ? huh General why the two orders if Santiago wasn't to be touched and your men follow orders or people die why the two orders lol its like ok they lived 5ish years like this and you still need to scream at them uh I dono but any way pretty good flick an odd one and good watch. Would I have had some changes sure cause i rule but  its kinda good not one your gonna watch yearly its a one an done Se7en(1995) style kinda flick.

Directing wise this has been the least bugging movie I have seen of late were normally I rip the director for doing a bad job and even though the director is to me an unknown next to Arch Stanton she does a good job here I would have had more placement on the river journey than back story but yeh its good job here. 

Cast wise well sandy B for the win here knocks it out of the park I heard a lot of hate online with a bad performance nope it was her character that's kinda cold and harsh maybe to much but this was great here no ad eggs of course the usual dipshit characters that open doors that shouldn't and so on but for the most good cast and fits.

Would I watch this with kids family members under say 30 plus maybe not but its a good watch not scary enough for me I woulda liked a little more Lost island dark smoke monster for me but still enjoyed and had me watching from start till the end with no feel for hey get on with it or just turn it off sure its got that Mark mark film feel but this has one edge over it that was nature striking back in some odd way this is just like evil an entity a force a super natural thing so im good with it just wish we seen more of the mist monster thing what ever it was I have a feeling maybe just maybe this could have cheap sequels with different characters stories getting told but hopefully not I don't want It turning into Paranormal Activity 74 - The Dark Man I want this to be a stand alone movie and left alone.

Best quote: Boy".

124 mins long. cert 15. 2018

This gets 7 out of 10 on my finger scale.