Where Are They Now


what ever happened to those damn kids ?
so lets find out what happened to some of those younglings from our favorite movies.

 Mhairi Calvey the young girl from BRAVEHEART (1995)

Now baby Murron aka Mhairi thankfully didnt go into movies at a young age and instead chose to go and learn how to act instead of stinking parts up in movies for years lol. Now Mhairi apart from having a awkward name to spell and being really hot studied at the Guildford School of Acting and has been back acting for a couple of years now in the likes of ANY MINUTE NOW (2013) and FIVE PILLARS (2013).

You can find her on twitter

And dont worry shes not one of those self obsessed fake tan towie types shouting "well jel" and taking selfies in bathrooms shes actually pretty cool.

James Robinson as young William Wallace in BRAVEHEART (1995)

James did return to acting and has been in the likes of DOCTORS and CASUALTY. James did audition for the role of Anakin Skywalker in THE PHANTOM MENACE (1999) but unfortunately for everyone he didnt get the part it went to that little douchebag kid Jake whats his face.

You can find young James on twitter here.

Jake whats his face

So Jake Lloyd as he likes to be called bugged us all in JINGLE ALL THE WAY (1996) and then of course THE PHANTOM MENACE (1999) and then like a fart in the wind up and disappeared. Yup jakey boy now works in a mall.

So do you remember that little girl from ALIENS(1986).

Well Newt as she was called is really Caroline marie henn. And Caroline had never even been in so much as a school play when Cameron picked for the part as newt but i think she did a great job.

Where did she go?. Well she never even tried acting again she went back to america and in 2000 she got a degree in liberal studies and child development and became a teacher. And now she mostly teaches in california mostly. Is she a loss to the acting world maybe. But better to go out immortalised as a well known character from a film we love.     

Ever watch BAYWATCH (89-01) ?

Yeh you better believe i did lol. I fucking loved Erika eleniak. But forget her awesome jugs in the first season Hasselhoffs son was played by Brandon call. Now young Brandon then went on to star in STEP BY STEP (91-98) for seven years but when the show was done so was he. He up and left hollywood and went out to San Diego. And hes now working the pumps at the local gas station owned by his mother and father.