In the year 2154. the very wealthy live on a man made space station while the rest of the population resides on a ruined Earth. One man takes on a mission that could bring equality to the world.
Matt Damon as Max
Jodie Foster as Delacourt
Sharlto Copley as Kruger
The movie takes place the exact same year AVATAR(2009) takes place.
Any part with Kruger tearing up the place.
Shite utter shite. If you seen DISTRICT 9(2009) dont bother to watch this its made by the same director and all hes done its to change up a few small details lol. The space ship is now a space station and people want to live on it. Other than that its the same fucking movie in the same location.
Story wise its pretty simple and borders on forgettable. Our main character Max doesnt want to help humanity or even save a single person he just wants to save himself after a work related accident "Where theres blame theres a claim" haha. So he sets about getting on some space station with Jodie Foster to heal himself the rest is just what happens in between.
Acting wise its Matt Damin and Jodie Foster so they are both great. But Fosters character has next to no screen time and she could have been replaced by a droid from star wars. But Sharlto was fucking awesome he was the only reason i kept watching the movie.
Ok on the whole the film was boring a let down and fairly pointless. Towards the middle we do get a little message and it comes back again towards the end. Thankfully its not a preachy type movie about save the planet or be a better person. But as far as films go about the earth id rather watch ON DEADLY GROUND(1995) any day. The other reason i hate it is im not fan of directors just making a "new" film thats the exact same film they just made. Like Antoine Faqua when he made TEARS OF THE SUN(2003) then he made KING ARTHUR(2004) it may be a new title but its the same story and same group of characters and a shite watch.
Best quote: "ahhhhhhh".
109 mins long. cert 15. 2013
This gets 4 out of 10 on my finger scale.