Deckard Shaw (Statham) seeks revenge against Dominic Toretto and his family.
Vin Diesel as Dom
Paul Walker as Brian
Techincally from a story point of view not real time and dates this movie is the first movie to take part after the 3rd movie THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS TOKYO DRIFT(2006) yes i know its crazy stupid and makes fuck all sense to anyone but its what they say hence way nearly 10 years later we see the same terrible actor from that horrible straight to dvd movie back in her for a cameo.
Anything without Ronda Rousey speaking.
So basic story is the continuation of the last movie ? you remember old English balls rams Hans and then blows him up while chatting on the phone to Dom ok good well turns out that after credits scene was way after the credits HOLD ON im gonna get into SPOILERS here and im gonna take about it more and in detail and rip right into it so if you dont want to read till you seen the movie then hold off going past this point.
ok you had fair warning so yeh the after credit scene was time travel yeh cause turns out its not like what you think it is next day or a week later and hes on the phone no no its like years and yes they make no mention of this just some kid whos like 4 now leaves you to think oh ok guess we skipped a few years with the terrible multiple starts. So movie starts with a few starts some of them all over the fucking place as we have Statham playing Statham im not gonna pretend hes anyone really and hes wiped out a hospitol better than Arnie wiped out skynet with Dyson back in the day i mean the place is destroyed all so he can get to his brother whos alive in a hospital bed i had no clue he was even alive but yeh he is SEQUEL so anyways yeh hes alive and then we have him then go after Dom and the gang and chase them all over creation ? cause he just knows where they are all the time and can i have no clue no explination is ever given at any time for anything so any ways yeh he goes after them while they go after him and cut to action scene after action scene in the movie.
Is the movie great fuck no. Its easily two steps back from the last one and that movie was already a poor mans FAST FIVE(2011) the directing is bad thats all i can say its poor and fuzzy and moving to much in simple places and cut badly and has almost no direction in it other than move to next set for the next scene style i mean the guy directed SAW(2004) and INSIDIOUS(2010) and they were cheap through away movies made for dvd really that ended up being good based on story and style an horror not action scenes of great directing handing a giant franshise off to some guy like this is movie suicide i wish fucktards in hollywood would stop doing this all the time.
Acting wise ok the cast is the cast but lets take a back step here for a second cause Letty aka tank top girl is only in here cause some retards on facepuke left comments saying bring back Letty ? why cause Vin asked who would you like see in the movie lol come the fuck on since when do we let retards on facebook pic actors and storylines for movies based on likes on a fucking comment thats stupid and she should never have been taken back she was killed of years ago and should have been kept out the movie and let Dom hook up with Elena aka the hot cop chick from fast five. She was good and the chemistry story and movie is set up for them but oh some dumbass leaves a comment and the hot chick is sandbagged and then bring back the dead girl rewrite the story so suit one actors needed em fuck no NEVER EVER WRITE FOR AN ACTOR movies are story telling just like back in the day around camp fires telling the stories only now we have them with moving pictures and flashing effects but its still story telling and you dont fuck with story for a person. They did and they fucked that movie badly and here it just keeps going why is she here she bores me now and she looks so bored like shes no interest in acting or working BUT shes back here again and we are now stuck with her and psm "oh i cant handle this dom i need space" cue the actor leaving for a few scenes then comes back later on like she soff for another project or holiday ?
Then in comes Vin who almost phones it in a few times hes kinda having fun but then not... maybe due to lossing his friend and having to film on after the event but it shows badly and effects the feel and style its not fun to view in the same way its got no heart no energy no life to it and hes the heart of the movie. Then you got Paul who god bless him shows up does is surf boy thing acts and really doesnt seem sure of whats going on its like the director really is doing a shit job cause the entire vibe is storyless and just lacks effort all round. Any of the rest of the cast are here for a cheque only cause no one else is paying them for movies ever and they should have been killed off long ago not the Hans character or Gisele thats just poor decision making to keep this lot around at this point.
Problems in the movie for me was knowing that Paul was dead and thinking how are they gonna stink this movie up to cover it up like it didnt happen and pretend and then sell out to the masses with a pathetic ending full of roses for him and yeh it may have been special and beautiful and done very respectfully and tastful but thats just what they did its not a make a mermoril film its a movie about fake characters and story telling and you did sell out. You could have used the stunt doubles and stand ins and killed of the character to add weight to the story and make it a revenge story for Dom but you sold out cut the movie even more badly if thats possible then have his brother whos not an actor run into some fight scene in the dark so we dont see it and fight never showing his face ever like is THE CROW(1994) and then have them all at some silly beach ending to try yet again not explain a thing while you give actors NOT characters a chance to say goodbye in some crazy style. Yes its heart warming and sweet but also wrong and just nothing to do with the movie or the character and you gave us no actuall explination what so ever to why hes just on the beach not even a line for dialogue from his character or im out dom thats it i retire nothing ? it was better to change the ending have his character die give meaning to it all and let the actors and fans say a goodbye with a funeral scene at the end and then cut to a beautifully done scene that says goodbye to the actor.
Basically the directing sucks dick for most of the movie. We have like 54 starts to the movie out of order some repeats then the movies set 4 years..ish later but its set before the 3 movie ? while we have Statham call Dom as he kills Han yet on his portch is a bomb he sent from Tokyo ?? so did he send it 2 days before he killed Han so it got there that morning before he killed Han in Tokyo taking into account the time difference of the countries ? fuck off director this is a joke then its paste scene one two and three of action with terrible excuses to get to that location to do a slow motion car pull up scene on the beach wheres the pay and display parking lol weres the actual fucking story people this felt like a total ALIEN 3(1992) job. Everyone fucking with the movie while cutting the action short cause its a 12 and the edits are horrible at times. In onescene we have Dom at a funeral just head to his car alone and race off after someone but not a single person with him says hey dom were you going ?? or even show them looking for him lol it was bad. all this leading to a sad ending to say goodbye to someone makes for a strange watch all in. Plus Ronda fucking Rousey sucks so bad as usual i mean just put her in action sure but never let her try show emotion or get hit or say any lines ever cause she might be no infact she is the worst actor in any movies or role she stars in shes horrible shes awesome as a fighter but she would never get a paid job in any movie or show acting ever.
Really at this point walk away just never come back to this movie franchise cause at this point i can see the facepuke fans literally getting to pick the actors and locations based on likes when Vin leaves a comment. If you wish to see the ending and Paul Walkers goodbye just few the vid below that someone posted on youtube.
Best quote: "Your fathers on lots of pain meds".
137 mins long. cert 12. 2015
This gets 4 out of 10 on my finger scale.