A Confederate deserter Newton Knight (McConaughey) returns to Mississippi to lead a militia of runaway slaves and deserters against a corrupt local Confederate government.
Matthew McConaughey as Newton Knight
During one of the earlier battle scenes a philips head screw driver can be seen this was not invented for a few more decades lol.
Em i wana say sumin good but just cant so im off for a poo.
Ok watching trailers and hearing a little about the subject matter i had high hopes for this movie i thought it was gonna be like THE PATRIOT(2000) meets DANCE WITH WOLVES(1990) i was thinking this epic long tale with some action starring mcconaissance. What i got was a boring boring yawn fest of a movie i mean boring to the point of this could be played to fatal patients to put them into an induced coma.
It kicks off with the typical heres a war and intro into our lead character a little like dances with Costner but then sorta tries to add a little more meaning and things to fast before we have mcconaissance go off and then pretty damn fast he ends up helping out the locals as we have the corrupt american government (no changes there then ) are taking more from some folk than others specifically the poor of course mean while we have rich white folks not having to go to war instead they can chill at home by simply handing over 20 black men to fight for them (now all be it a total kick in the dick and racist from a military point of view this is genius 20 men trading off for one and lets face it if you are rich and can afford 20 men to pay that no likely your gonna be some uber athlete super soldier but those 20 men that work and farm sure as shit will be so i can see why they would be like sure its a win for the war with extra men ) now back to the movie we have mcconaissance sorta work his way into the a lead position to have these people all come together and follow but SPOLIERS he doesnt not for fucking hours then he sorta takes lead just over night no one sort of appoints him or ever says hey you lead us.
The film drags its fucking ass forever and is just so boring it has no big lead as the enemy or someone to hate and get on board with mcconaissance trying to take on and once they all meet up after twenty minutes or so they forget the film was partly about race and in one scene has a nice little bit they could use but dont in fact the group of people all together living in a swamp seem to forget half the people with them are black and start chucking around n bombs ? all im thinking is hey didnt you see these colored guys when you joined up ten minutes ago cause you cant fucking miss them when they are standing next to a nbunch of pale as shit white folks lol.
Any ways for me it was a waste of time so much so i struggled to just keep watching and felt so bored i was drifting away into my own world thinking about what i would do here and then once i got into the second hour i got so bored i turned that shit off. If i had went to see it at the cinema id have walked out THE ASSASSINATION OF JESSE JAMES BY THE COWARD ROBERT FORD(2007) style right out the fucking door this was a yawn fest nothing more than a pointless waste of effort and movie a total waste of money to be honest poor mcconaissance was left with no support to supporting actors or lead antagonist for him to bounce of and work with nothing its just all mumble mumble mumble talk an then pointless scenes between some shots as they slap up pictures old school black and white jpegs of the war and bodies between scenes the movie never sorta movies forward and gains any kinda speed its just hey lets do this over here now show some jpegs and now its months later next scene over here it has no big battle sequence but had a chance for one and could have been a lot better all i kept thinking was if only Gibson had done this instead of a made up guy in THE PATRIOT(2000)
How does it end who the fuck knows maybe some apes blow up the barns and farm and take over who cares. No really who fucking cares this was a walk out movie if ever i seen one lol it can fuck off to the movie bargin bin in poundland and die.
Best quote: "free state of joooones".
139 mins long. cert 18. 2016
This gets 3 out of 10.