American sniper Chris Kyles pinpoint accuracy saves countless lives on the battlefield and turns him into a legend.
Bradley Cooper as Chris Kyle
Sienna Miller as Taya Kyle
Cooper had got the rights to the story and film with the intention of having someone else play the role but then later changed his mind.
Some of the intense sniper scenes are really good and the style and tone of the movie is good.
So while this is a quality film and some great acting its not perfect or amazing. Its got some small flaws if you will with the way it doesnt to me seem to go that deep with Chris in his personal life as i thought it would it almost shows some of it and teases or holds back out of respect or fear so for me its a little timid. Its basically a one man show with some other characters chucked into the mix and for me lacks a little punch. It reminds me of LONE SURVIVOR(2013) only whats missing from the start of that movie is in here.
Action wise its great up to date and up to speed with styles and looks and tone not the old school crap action of guys with m16s with no fucking ammo what so ever running around hip firing but it still needed something more a bigger build up or something. And one other complaint i have that the cut scene from sniping at the start to playing catch up just made no sense to me as to why you would do it that way it just felt a bit odd.
Acting wise yeh its great Bradley does a fantastic job here he looks and acts the part but part of the flaw of the movie is hes almost alone in every scene hes got extras and even when he does have some scenes with people we never see them again its just him left to hold up a film alone.
But what ever it does lack in some areas its a great watch maybe not dvd buy as such maybe just watch it when ever its on tv but you still have to see it.
Best quote: "the legend".
132 mins long. cert 18. 2014
This gets 7 out of 10 on my finger scale.