The greatest Olympic Wrestling Champion brother team joins Team Foxcatcher lead by multimillionaire sponsor John E. du Pont (Steve Carell)
as they train for the 1988 games in Seoul.
Channing Tatum as Mark Schultz
Mark Ruffalo as David Schultz
Steve Carell as John du Pont
Nancy Schultz who is David Schultzs widow gave Mark Ruffalo her husband's glasses. The glasses Ruffalo wears in the film are Davids actual glasses.
Strange to pick out a set moment as such from the movie as its so crazy in tone but i did enjoy every scene with the three main cast members as they gave a great performance.
In boxing terms this is a split decision this is such a great film and so well done and at the same time mental and bizarre as the very characters they portray. The basic story follows young Mark Schultz who to me is just some unknown wreslting dude from the 80s but thats in part what makes it a good watch and interesting to see someone i don know and watch a story unfold but no real story does sure he goes from struggling to getting help by some millioniaire but other than that its just another film with very little happening here but its counter balance by the acting an the fact that Mark is a bit bonkers and so unstable an fucked up. But sadly it doesnt go into it or show it in any real light it just sort of hints around it and then pushes on with very poor story telling making it a slow ass watch i mean i was about ninty minutes in and it felt like three hours its such a drag story wise and really doesnt go any place other than to show rich guy helps some guy go train ? then its just bizarre characters revolving around a very empty plot and movie. The pace of the movie sucks ass its bad and the entire middle hour could be cut out its just empty and pointless madness.
Acting wise we have such great acting here like really good character acting from the entire cast but at the same time the story itself its dull and it makes the work they do feel a little void or pointless. Tatum does himself proud here he really goes for it and does a fantastic job hes not fucking around no smiles nothing just perfect acting as the character. Same goes for Ruffalo he just knocks it out the park the two of them play of each other as almost total opposites and it just works so well its like this incredible tention between them as characters as if things are already fucked up between them and then add to the mix Carell who so far i always thnk suchs ass. He does some fun comedy shit but acting wise i always thought he sucked the pink cigar but he steps it up inkeeping with the tone of the movie and the other actors around him the three of them do some of the best acting i have seen for a long time.
All in its worth a watch but is not gonna be ground breaking or fantastic it doesnt do a rocky and go all out and show training and wrestling an it doesnt show the fucked up world of Mark enough or go deep enough to make it a great drama its sort of sits in the middle between alot of things and like Mr Miyagi says you go so so sooner or later get squish just like grape. They toggle the middle and didnt pick so it makes for a strange watch and in parts almost painful and boring but at the same time its heart felt in places and the ends a shock if you dont know the story of the brothers go watch it but this is a movie you dont own on dvd ever its not got great rewatchability.
Best quote: "".
134 mins long. cert 18. 2014
This gets 6 out of 10 on my finger scale.