Eso - Dps Testing

So after some thought on one build i tried to mutate and 2 builds and mix things up

Taking the standard Bone Pirate and Spriggans with Bloodspawn vs Spriggans and Clever Alch with the proc adding maybe more damage

This added 4.2% more damage while the proc was running for 15seconds but once it dropped off it was down around 8.1% damage leaving it to long for me with down time around 33 seconds thats 68% down time meaning you basically do so much less if you avg it out if you take a value of 100 and add 4.2% thats 104.2% for 15 seconds is 1560 92% x 33 seconds is 3036 add together is 4596 vs bone pirate at 100 all the time giving it 4800 damage over the 48 seconds with no down time and a pot avail for bonus health stam regen and so on its minus damage by - 4.25% overall if you keep fighting in pvp and defending keeps thats fucking easy to be in a fight for 48 seconds.

So after that thing kinda failed for me i then swapped out the food for some lava foot mmm yummy my fav lol and then dunked on some Hulk as i wanted to see if with the extra stamina on the food i could level out the missing health and see if i could get a better build out of this jumble and after some fucking around trans a ring and reuse attribute points i got the same health same damage but more stamina by about 2k that helps for running dodge roll and so on update for this build later.