Eso Wrathstone Orc now the Stamina master race

Well its here the shitey patch 4.3.3 point what ever the wrathstone update is now live want it or not its here and with it they give you 3 race changes and thats great if your a scrub with 3 characters but when you have 9 this is utter shit and a rip off somehow im expected to buy 100 dollars worth of crowns to buy race change tokens all by myself to fix all my characters now no longer the best stamina dps in the game thanks bethesda you cunts. But for those with 1 character and playing once a week good news if you have a stamina dps charater that is a fat ugly lil Orc then you have the best dps in the game well thats if you have a clue how to play good armor lvele 9 undaunted and so on cause Orcs are the new german master race

The extra stamina and health is just such a great touch that the added speed and cost reduction means they are not only fast good for pvp but the now insane 200 weapon damage with the update is closer to 400 weapon damage so they hit hard now and anything else for stamina just aint butter.
So for new players hey make em Orc and for old players use them free tokens and make them Orc and for anyone like me and most regular players your fucked Bethesda expect you to pay for crowns spending 19 pound for 3000 crowns in the store and thats like 22 dollars per shitey token to change a character after they updated the game to change the race skills ? its like a riddle inside a meme inside someones asshole but dont worry they have a sale on for tokens yeh 20% off so... you still need to buy 300 crowns at the same cost haha what assholes Orcs though.