Eso - Morrowind champion system jump points

Update keep it simple if you have eg 5% in some thing and add 5 points to gain 5.8% you still only have 5% the cp system will always round down to full % so unless you place the full value into cp to go up to 6% you still have 5% dadaaaa

Ok so winter is coming or rather Morrowind is for all Eso fans and gamers and like always these cunts are changing things so heres a heads up and help

So heres an easy guide and view of the system 

So the left side bar has shows 100 points and 15% so when your at stamina regen for example it only goes up to 15% so putting 100 points. On say heals if you put 100 points into it you get back 25% more heals or better heals thats the middle bar and the last bar is things like heavy armor for example when you put points into it it would say something like 8000 more resistance but its really 35% 

So when putting points back into it now think and check whats the jump point cause if you place say 75 points into stamina regen you will get back 14% but when you place 76 77 78 79 all the way to 99 you get nothing they are wasted so dont waste them points.

Champion system ares not effected with the new update 
Spell Erosion. Piercing. Bashing Focus. Sprinter. Shade. Tumbling. Warlord and Shadow ward.