Cunts on Eso


One downside to the abilities is that so many sad cunts with zero skills run pots that stop you getting knocked down this shouldnt be in the fucking game you cant have 2 plants rubbed together randomly then counters an entire ability from your skill line no one uses the heavy armor skill line for it just cheap no skill pots cunts just pop em like skittles and stand up blasting folk. And with what feels like 5 heavy armor now on everyone playing eating damage and using shields block casting (should be removed takes no effort skill or ability) or full on cheating and block animation cancel every fucking move and YES this is cheating so if you do it go ram your fucking face into a wall. Then you have just insane heals so even if you get some fuck down in health you press to execute and finish them off and boom 15k health back and they are back in the fight this is to much at this point the game should be like dungeons you should pick a race and character and then be forced to pick Dps Tank or Healer and healers should have the heals that stand just now but say 30% the Dps so they cant fight and be both and Dps should have all heals at like 25% of what a Healer gets and can do and Tanks with 75% heals and 30% Dps to make you need a group and run as such with skill thought game play and planning not hey im a shit cunt Tommy19Taylor guys a pure shit cunt runs a fake healer never heals folk or groups but rather has picked a healer dps build to keep himself alive then buffs up with animation cancel and spams a Breath Of Life to go full health when he gets fucked and then tries to spam abilities and jump on you with huge spell damage and get heals while deaing damage ? this is retarded. The game should have a one shield only rule first shield you put on your bar is the only one that works or counts apply the rest it takes the stamina or magic from you but gives you nothing in return no more stacking shields buffs and then spam huge sick heals that are just stupid i mean my healer hits 15k breath and my Nightblade hits the same for Wrecking blow and can easily hit a 50k with that so i can only assume that my healer can to i just have never ran into anyone so low on health with so much health i could heal them for 50k and show it lol. And with all the 5 parts heavy on armor now it gets harder and harder to try smash a person with damage as the builds seem to eat it up at times. Then the shit proc monster sets that are pure shit op bullshit just for quick maths for you fuckers a proc set at 6% chance during a fight means 1 in 17 so you would need to hit an enemy 17 times during a fight and then at some point during that fight it should proc but when it procs 3 times during a fight its fucking shit and pure fucking luck cause its not about trying to get it to proc faster cause its a set stat so nothing should change it other than hitting faster and more with light attacks but some have proc chances based on doing damage over time that shit lava set procs like a fucking cunt so many times now ive been hit with 14k to 21k damage fromt hat shit set thats more than the ultimates are hitting me for in most cases when i get hit with an ultimate its like 7k damage its just insulting to out play and be better than most player only to get hit from some shit set during a fight for for 15k and boom the fights over. In fact just last week during a duel i wanted test my build out so i had a fight with some shit cunt and i gap close drop him wrecking blow and go to execute him and boom im dead ??? he never hit me once not a single fucking strike attack or ultimate he had clicked to drop a cleanse as i pressed the gap closer so as i stood smashing him from his side and dropping him dealing 7k damage per hit his clease did me for 4k damage and then his shit lava set wipes me out with for 15k ? its pve so im at 19k health and boom im dead.

And remember folks once you kill him do the honorable thing an teabag his face :)

Ok so what is skill ?? >>> skill <<< thats skill yeh hes a douche but hes skilled at his job hes using tactics and ability and thought and making micro decisions each second of each move and making decisions based on all the facts and details of each situation and then making his move and winning. Skill is not hitting up youtube and finding a build that some Pc user spent weeks working on then posts and you just go find a build and class and race that gives you huge resistance to hits and huge health an shields thats not skill.

Eg when a no skill cheating twat Will Harden he runs a no skill no brains shuffle to help him not get hit.So this muppet sits outside the castle wall and tries to show off hes good and spams his usual shuffle and buffs then stands playing some random instrument lol so i power up rally and relentless and then snipe shot him BOOM stun and and the second and third hit kill him dead.... cue me jumping out the castle into an army just to teabag him this twat assume his shit no skill shuffle will save him hes dependent on it saving him guess what asshole its a 20% chance so bang you got hit got wrecked an now your on your ass doing shit enjoy the view cunt a real skilled player would not be in range firstly and not be close enough to to get hit and all he had to do is aim with his bow see if he can snipe and then back up out of range by a few feet but nah hes shit and then hes dead. Then after his Bf gets him up he buffs up to full health and even though he wasnt lifted by a Temp so hes not full stamina he dodge rolls an tears off full speed along side the castle wall..... and BOOM 3 snipe shots and down he goes again hes to low on stamina to break free from the stun and take the second and third hit on his knees like a bitch. A skilled player would not make those mistakes a real skilled player would not show off and be in range of a stamina nightblade a real skilled player would not run off full speed using up what little stamina you have running along side a castle like a retard. That is not skill thats a cunt who thinks cause he can cheat and it works hes good but when hes faced with a simple decision to make he fucks it up not based on real skill and real gaming and play and effort and thought but rather do as you like cause 8 outa 10 you win by cheating. This cunt has never beat me legit and never would hes a fucking retard just like Pure shit Smarties i played last day what a sad bastard he was. Im sat on my Stam Sorc and trying a new build half blue purple armor not all skill points used or champ points reset and this sad cunts cheating to try trash my guy buy constantly cancel move cancel so you see yet again maybe 3 moves and hes dealing 5 plus and boom your dead. When i called him out on it haha you bitches its not cheating and hes not a cheat lol sad lil cunt then like a lil kid runs to this fag slag and bitches to her i said hes cheating an tells her remove me from the guild haha then next day cue this fugly dumpling asking "why was i slagging of the guild" haha yeh they told her a bunch of lies and tried spread bullshit around about me and then she comaplains "but you did it in main area chat" oh sorry sad cunt do you think you own chat like fucking fat ugly cow stop paying people to take your pic and pretend your a model lol your a tramp and a sado bunch of elitist wanabes that think cause they are in a guild or have the ability to kick people from it they are special haha. And not a single arguement was given by the way for the cheating or as to why its skill or skilled or anything just always "its in the game" "its part of the game" yeh so are steroids in sports if you choose to take them but just cause some cunt does dont make it shit it takes no skill to cheat and then pretend your good cause your abused a flaw and exploit in a game and think your good or skilled

So after next im gonna work on a new character maybe a Dk and then work on each build and chuck up something simple on youtube and then show the build fully here and what i like best about it.