In an now altered future a Terminator is sent back in time to now kill someone else.
Schwarzenegger as T-800
Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor
This is looked as a direct sequel to Terminator 2 (1991)
I dono i feel confused i really enjoyed watching this and enjoyed getting to see what feels like may be Arnolds last big film and last time playing the role of a terminator but this was a fun get to see it experience at the cinema but was it great i dono i liked it and liked parts but now out the cinema i think some things bug me to much for me to say this was great.
Kicking off with a sort of odd unexplained start watching Sarahs vhs tapes from the mental place she was locked up in then cutting to what felt like an alternate ending to T2 and watching john in the distance at some hotel beach resort getting a drink and Sarah chilling... oh yeh spoilers we see poo little John turn around and then he spots another terminator come walking up and just smokes him with a shotgun and i was like waw oh my god like what now hows this gonna work what changed here lets see how this goes BUT after leaving the cinema i felt cheated here im like wait wtf i just wasted time watching t2 and they kill him minutes after the credtis role really hes not older a man hes still that little kid and they killed him and this felt like a proper dick punch you killed him off sure the whole future fuckery thing kicks in hes the leader and bla bla bla but now they blew up skynet and took shit out that time line i guess is kinda gone and now hes no longer needed so just fuck him an wipe him out thats such a cunt move from the writers and directors to just say yup dont need him now fuck it moving on and why why cant he just be alive or plot twist he lives or anything other than kill him cause now why watch t2 ever again they kill him off after it lol cause this is ment to be a direct follow to that movie and the are scrapping T3(2003) and forget the one with you are fucking my scene Bale thats gone and fuck the reboot they tried to do with Game Of Thrones thats gone as well this is a roll a double n start again fuck it move. So ok so the kids gone and then boom 22 years later ok the movie kinda starts here really i guess and in comes naked Mackenzie and lands and for some reason a couple making out try help her then cops show up and she fucks them up and then still takes the poor dudes outfit for no real reason other than cause someone wrote it that way cause she coulda grabbed the cops shit so yeh. Then Mexican terminator lands and when he does it hits me wait i thought it was nothing dead goes no living tissue how does a T1000 go back in time haha any ways hows this guy came back and right away he smiles like a creep at some old lady turns his liquid metal skin into an outfit does he kill her or just fuck off i dono it cuts away and he goes after Dora The Explorer now normally shes my type short cute but her character bugssssssss the fuck outa me the pushy over the top noo im gona stand an fight bullshit people not acting like real humans with normal characters i was just finding her a pest but im thinking shes a cute 20 to 26 year old playing the young 19 year old version of Sarah Connor but no plot twist but not really shes the new John Connor with the altered time line skynet is gone we find this out later and get a shity cheap future with what felt like one fucking scene and camera angle this did feel low budget to be honest at the start sitting in my popcorn smelling seat this had sooooo many fucking productions and studios i thought oh no no one wanted to make this and pay for it and put it out this is a money from 15 places kinda flick owt ohhh but hey lets chill sit back enjoy and hey what ever moving on shes the new big cheese and ok im fine with that i grew up with Linda and Sigourney and fucking Murder She Wrote i dont mind a chick in charge but i really didnt like the intros for each character and how the ball gets rolling with the movie at the same time i liked the style and pace going for it from the start and after getting home finding out Dora is like fucking 32 i mean come onnnn and Davis who i kinda like i see some thing a star quality and look and effort sure shes a leggy tall blond but shes good in other things but i dont think she nails it with the tone and feel for the character its off for me shes not a future soldier sent back shes a moan and keeps playing captain explaino to many times and reminding me shes a super soldier from the future and then i have mexican terminator stalking after Dora or wanting some tacos im not sure i reallllllllly didnt like him or his look hes just not a patch on Robert playing the T1000 and then the almost silly cgi of him at times this felt shity cheap and rushed maybe cause a few times hes leaping and moves all wrong and odd changes shape and its just ahh.
So lets go for Directing well its got a fucking director for once no first timer here but his only film hes made was Deadpool (2016) the writter gave us an episode of The Walking Dead season 1 haha then Dark Angel haha and then going back to fucking Murder She Wrote. Screen play by Goyer who gaves us the last Batman trilogy with Bale and one of the writers from Gemini Man (2019) haha so its people who have not done much in years or one offs and some guy who gives us a screen play but it feels like some sticky hands come in and fuck with it to many cooks here to many ideas no feel or style no Cameron leadership this is my story this is what we are doing this feels like hey you got any ideas and they grab 9 guys to help and its a shit show. Its said to have been left open for a trilogy and honestly i think im ok to let this go now and die some place i think i can let this be a Lou Diamond triple name from Young Guns II (1990) and let it go outside and die and pass over into the spirit world this will never be great again it will never have the impact it did or jus rock with action or cgi it will almost never be ground breaking or original some times theres a reason we watch the same sports over and over and they never change the rules cause if you get it right thats it leave it the story was told and now all you can do is step on it fuck it up piss people off nothing about this is waw or having the heart of the first two movies its just a movie for the sake of trying to tell more not tell and complete a story leaving it open for a trilogy why cause you want cash not story telling Die Hard (1988) was never set out planned as a 8 part movie over 30 years Star Wars (1977) was just a film set out no plan classics are not pre planned they are lightning in a bottle and random this is like reading a story as a kid or watching a show or movie you will never have the same impact and have it be epic again and i just dont see this working long term its gonna be oh well they tried and it makes 400 to 500 million at the box office because you need to take away 40% of what it makes at the box office for the cinemas and then whats left is the company who makes it so in this case 400 million take away an easy 160 million leavs you with 240 million take away what i can only guess is an easy 100 million movie these days and maybe 30 million easy on adverts and thats low as fuck then it makes some cash but as of today its made a reported 12 million and this films 6 days old now most films drop off about 60% the second week i mean this could sink the company well companies that made it lol dark fate indeed.
Yeh i enjoyed the cinema experience and enjoyed watching something new and something i new really little about the real plot and story but this for sure is a good bye for Arnie and Linda at this point must be 123 years old i loved her in parts here but as good as she gets in it i seen less wrinkles on my nuts i can see this terminating the franchise easily and hopefully we just let it go like a fart in the wind and just keep your dvds of the original oh wait yeh i forgot they fucked them up as well if you have the dvd go play the scenes he kills shit and listen to the sound effect and guns then put on a vhs original unfucked copy and listen they fucking changed the sounds ? some twat went into the sounds and changes the effects of the guns in the original Terminator movie why no clue but its a shit version having your stuff fucked with when you grew up listening to the proper copy on vhs tv for years.
Ok so cast wise well our new John Connor aka Dora the midget explorer may be the shortes bit of Mexican ass i have seen yet she sucks balls not gonna lie nothing about what she did was good i didnt like her casting she gets to play an older version of herself an thats hard to do and she blows at that she was just more of herself and the director musta been just like sure this is fine while pulling skeptical hippo eyes behind the camera cause she and her character bites maybe its all character and if i see her again in some advert for tacos will be like waw shes great the movie blows but yeh. Linda just does hit it for me she gets better as the movie rolls on and gets into character but early on shes just basically Clint Eastwood in Tornino moaning about dinks on his lawn shes so super grumpy for fuck knows why its not how i pictured the character all these years later shes not a drunk just a moan and poor Davis couldnt have a bigger jaw or eyes in some scenes i mean was her dad the guy from Tango & Cash (1989) shes got not much to do here its not like Kyle in the original he loves her but hes on point and the character is dark and scared and wants to help shes just moan no shes my mission moan moan dani lets go dani run dani moan moan thats every line she has. Arnold well aww i loved him hes back he seems a little nervous and hes trying to act and play it down and be a certain way and work with the story but hes a terminator he kills shit and this was in part funny and silly i enjoyed it cause it was like a last party for th big guy hes about 700 years old now and hes was 40 when he did The Running Man (1987) the guys 72 and they have to try write in and explain why he looks older hey guy (im going full Delia here) your old hey old guy retire cause fuck me they need to write and explain hes here and old because (insert script and story on a napkin here) hes not needed i love him but i remember what my granda was like at 72 old bad hip slow and mostly old as fuck life expectancy for the year Arnie was born was 69 hes already out lived time itself haha move on fuck me get some other arnie looking guy who looks like he did in Terminator we recast Batman and Superman and so on why not the terminator its long past time.
Did i enjoy watching yes but did i leave thinking this was fucking fantastic they did it i want more no i really dont not after Dora is now gonna save the fucking world let the robots have it lol go see it if your a fan of the franchise or Arnie catch whats gonna be his last ever time as a terminator hes one of the last action heroes of the 80s and this is his good bye to cinema and this world so go see it for nothing else other than him as for the crazy plot holes and reasons not explained and just cause and other junk i dono man would i really watch this again at home on netflix or some shit maybe but i wouldnt never buy it on dvd this is a let it go fish catch an release lol see it and move on and expect the reboot in 3 years with a new cast. Enjoyable but not great would be my last word on it.
Best quote: "il be back".
128 mins long. cert 15. 2019
This gets 6 out of 10 on my finger scale.