Movie Review - Batman Vs Superman


While the world tries to decide if the want Superman Batman plots to take him on and destroy him.

Henry Cavill as Superman
Ben Affleck as Batman
Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman

Henry is said to have been close to 220 pound at his heaviest when bulking up for the movie and some scenes as he had put more weight on after spotting how big Ben was. Ben has also now played both Batman and Superman.... as well as a shit Daredevil.

Ok so late review here but hey batter late than never huh huh little bat joke any ways moving on. Ok so the movie has a good start we have the old batman origins part mixed that i would have took out and just started the fucking movie but hey ok its good and great song then we have the real start with the destruction of the city while Superman fights with Zod and we have Bruce Wayne making his way into the city trying to get to wayne towers and get his people out. Then cut to a few months later and we now have the Bat out doing his thing trying to get dirt on what bad guys are doing and so on pretty cool and fun start.

It does kinda start to drag and try to do to much as the movie goes on trying to have Lex an Batman all having story lines plus Superman and the city and its a bit to cluster fucked for me to much going on but still good just to much like a mouth full of Ben & Jerrys is nice but no one tries to cram all the different flavors onto one bowl its to much. So anyways the movie keeps going and while its pretty good like i said just to much going on and then spoilers fuckers every cunt seems to be able to figure out who Superman is and Superman finds out who Batman is as well to fast to easy like so surprise no old school the glasses hide him ?? and then of course Lex has been trying to get them to fight all along ? nah bit shit sorry not into it so much and then of course a nice twist and off the boys go to war and by war i mean a short battle not nearly fucking long enough its pretty much one sided and just way to short and not thought out like much it was over to fast no real battle like picture the end fight in the last MATRIX REVOLUTIONS(2003) movie thats a battle this was well short of that just always over to fast its Superman and Batman to movie comic and tv legends going at it it never happens much has never happened on the big screen this is it it should be fucking legendary not ok not thats enough move on.

Then it does pick up a bit and we cut to a cool Batman fight scene that does hit the mark well and then we have the end battle coming up that you dont see coming and dont think about as its then two fighting you want but it makes for a better movie and continuation of the movie world and gets more fun but once we get there Batman becomes fucking hopeless i mean does nout and the movie becomes silly in parts with him just slipping out of camera while Sups and Wonder tits fight whats his face... i say that with all due respect for Gal shes hot as fuckkkkkkkk but seen as some fans bitch about her tits not being over sized balloons like in the comics and huge H cups i couldnt give a fuck shes a dime piece and just owns the role she reminds me of Sly as Rocky or Arnie as the Terminator with the lack of like fine acting and talent for those boys starting out in those characters was perfect the imperfections is what made the characters the Terminator having a robotic style and look and feel and being huge Arnie fits the role lets him be this character with his crazy accent now with Gal with a sexy accent and playing this character shes a perfect fit and just blows it out the water. It may end on an odd thing specially once you see the next movie but hey they tried.

Acting wise well Henry is fine as Superman and Ben does a pretty good job and the rest do a great job just i dont think they had enough to do with the story so spread out showing or trying to show so much. i cant really bitch about the cast.. well that cunt in the wheel chair his face bugged me hes got a cunt face just bugs me a winge bag and well its mostly the character im sure but still hes a cunt and i hate that guy lol.

Story wise well to much keep in mind this was a Superman sequel no matter what anyone says this was then changed to make it into a Batman v Superman movie so the story we have for Superman and his lot had to be cut down redone and parts removed to add in the Batman story line so its a bit of a jumble here its not as smooth as it could have been if planned out better before hand. Directing wise its not horrible just lacks some action with the main fights we see and its like all the attention went to that one Batman battle.

What can i say i enjoyed it id give it a 6 maybe if i was drunk and i have watched it a few times since it hit the cinemas and even my cinema viewing was a thursday night midnight launch and then my car broke down on the way home at like 3am lol but anyways the movies good but not great.

Its not the movie the fans deserve its not the movie we need right now but well watch it because we have to because we have no choice its a silent turd a watchful dvd a bargain bin.

Best quote: "am rich".

151 mins long. cert pg. 2016

This gets 6 out of 10 on my finger scale.