Eso - Speculation for 2018 updates changes and dlc

So man people are already talking about new content and changes or dlc for 2018 and what will come to Elder Scrolls Online 

So heres so thoughts and hopes i guess i have heard Deltia and a few others talk about jewelry crafting and things like this but i dono sounds fun and would be great for making up sets for armor and things and remove the assholes who over price things in guild stores being able to craft sets would be fun but hey maybe in a few years

Then we have talk of a new large area dlc some dungeons delves quests and so on but ok thats fine and nice sells a few things id say fuck that fix what you have stop putting out huge content that doesnt work and needs fixed or worked on

Animation cancelling cheats still ruin the game in pvp no one cares in pve but this just spoils the game for the most with users having someone cheat and cancel out all animation and strike 5 times instant is cheating and should come with a perma ban on your ip address not just your account as anyone who needs to cheat and gain an advantage in a fucking GAME needs to fuck off your cancer of gaming your not skilled your not good your a cheat simple as now get rid of that

Champion points
add in maybe a new set on champion points 2 alt slots that swap out from pve to pvp to keep different builds and set up for those playing both

Mounts maybe dual mounts carry a friend ? 

New weapons
id love to see some new shit in here a new skill line maybe

set them to vet 1 with each mini boss gaining in size by 15% and then the end boss is set to the default of you pressing and using the scroll just leave it at that for gamers anything less is shit now at this point and shorten them down i cant be running a random group for 30mins in these fuckers come on to long to boring 15 to 20 mins max for any dungeon 

And whats with this shit new dungeons they are stupid hard for no reason go doin with some randoms and try enjoy that shit

hmm maybe but then they need to add new slots at least one character past the 8 set standard for use to use not heres a Warden but no new slots and heres this new guy with no new shit come on base line needs updated and set higher not hey new shit go delete your old stuff you spent 2 years on thats a poor show

edit land remember that old playstation game Tenchu ? Tenchu 2 had a basic sick map maker much like Far Cry you could make a map install enemies and then run around of course it was stupid as no online only you could run it but imagine if you had a smaller ma size dlc to play with make an area buildings walls and a market place and set enemies and then play with friends and upload the map to bethesda for say a competition and have them pick a few and have them worked into the game for play like battleshits 

Character selection updates
From the get go you should be forced to pick Healer Tank or Dps
No more leaving it up to assholes to make a dp then swap to healer for dungeon finder and then get in and waste peoples time when you get no heals or no tank or what ever the case may be i see it daily on these fucking things and its fine on some smaller dungeons to run 3 dps and a tank but when you have no tank in the harder modes for vet II and what them Undaunted keys and you just spend 45 mins plus on the last boss as some cunt aint a fucking tank and just runs away from the boss leaving the actual dps to get smashed in seconds and you just start over again and again this has to stop 

Remove the option and in the last selection of character creation pick what you are going to be.

Character selection should give you a smaller buff or bonus
but first reduce all heals by 30% as a start point 

reduce damage by 5%
5% increase max stamina.
decrease heals by 30%
increase heals taken by 30%
spell and weapon damage max cap 1800
max health 35k

increase heals 25% given (not for themselves)
increase magic regen 5%
spell and weapon damage cap 1800

3% Weapon and Spell damage
3% max stamina or magic max stat getting the bonus
heals reduced by 50%
heals taken increased by 25% 

With this drop in heals NOW you need a healer in a group not all dps tanky dks perma blocking and dealing mass damage with no skill. at this point between heals on some builds some dps are now tanks and this has to go to create actual healers and dps and tank and allow balance to the game this is whats fucking gone just now

With this auto help once you hit cp 160 this is what it should be giving you and allow you to be what you say you are nothing fucking worse than some "healer" who shows up in a dungeon and hes rocking a 2h and no back bar no vigor nout just spamming cleave and uppercut on adds and the boss and yeh iv fucking seen that and not on some newb player but 660 guys its like people forget they have a back bar and bow with volly lol.

No more of this perma block bullshit from cheats exploiting dk whip perma held down on block and use stamina set weapons for magic builds no more

And get rid of the stupid blocking facing 2 people attacking you then i walk up behind you and wrecking blow your spine turning it to dust breaking every bone in your spine you should gain bonus 10% damage from a direct hit from the back and blocking should help nothing if you get hit from the back withing say 25degrees as you cant see it blocking does nothing its a joke to hit a sad sack perma blocker in pvp and get (700) damage from a full buffed up strike as hes blocking to avoid damage from someone else

Thats all i hear bitch bitch bitch i want my 790 cp to give me an advantage i earned it worked for it i dont want some asshole at lvl 34 or cp 120 220 to be even with me i earned my shit now give them nothing to earn it cunts i want a lower level getting smashed in pvp or in dungeons struggling as we all did to start with heres an idea if your sat watching a cp 690 ride past try not jump him if your cp 10 learn some skills tactics and think hey i cant beat him not you jump him get wrecked then say hey game needs balance lol i want my cp to count i want that extra stuff i worked for to give me a smaller advantage cp 600 to c 650 with 2 good players wont do much so then it comes down to skills and builds

Stackings have to go and with shields and the amount you can shield and ignore is now at a stupid level the lesser skilled players are the ones who need this shit get rid of it all for fucks sake

Pvp sets fuck you and rewards of the worthy and giving me shit sets years old and of no use with it being a fucking stamina set with training and shit while im on my magic character 

Towns in pvp you take and get nout no cash no set things just hey now you can buy shit and maybe if zergs have took the map you get a spawn point. You should need say a resource or town for max stats bonus and maybe resources for the ability to get a trader not you just out bid folk every time 

Maybe you as a guild need to claim at least 5 resources and or hold resources for a total of 5 hours that week before you can bid on a guild trader maybe if you have one at the point you bid you get a % chance increase to get that spot and maybe the guild locations are just bid and chance so you can bid anything up to 10k and its picked like a lottery 

This and some new gear maybe and have the old gear worked on to bring it up to being used and make more than just 3 sets people run with and thats its

p.s. before i forget that cunt monster set that runs 3 morters when you spam up a shield and hits players in stealth or not in a group with someone whos attacking them its a shit set takes no skill and is broken get it to fuck