Movie review - Lone Survivor


Based on the true story of a failed Navy Seal mission Operation Red Wings. The story follows a four man Seal team deep in the mountains of Afghanistan.

Mark Wahlberg as Marcus Luttrell
Taylor Kitsch as Michael Murphy
Emile Hirsch as Danny Dietz
Ben Foster as Matt Axelson

The real Marcus Luttrell does appear in the movie at twelve minutes. He knocks over the drinks and tells the new boy to get it cleaned up.

Hard to pick a set moment in the movie as it does have a good tone to it throughout. But once it all kicks off it does become a mix of great action and stomach churning moments.

Ok this is a good movie but not a great movie. Its lacking of course a little oomf. In part its due to lack of funding and a poor director. Yeh unluckily the film may have a good story to work with and alot of heart but its made by the same guy who gave us BATTLESHIP(2012).

The film of course follows four Navy Seals that are dropped into the mountains of Afghanistan on a reconnaissance and to track Taliban leader Ahmad Shah and if possible kill him. Now of course events happen and things go bad and then team ditch the mission and head up the mountains away from a huge Taliban force. But of course they are hunted down and then get into a huge fight. Now as for the film well we start of with our team leader and then are introduced to the rest of the squad and its some good character building but it also brings in a few faces that have no real connection to the main event and happenings of the film so its like why am i watching this guy i dont need to be and i should be watching Marky Mark. once the film gets going it picks up to much pace. Maybe due to the budget they couldnt prolong the length of the movie and it does suffer for this. But its still a good watch and still does hit a few right notes. Possibly a little to american and cheesy at points but it does keep a good feel throughout.

Casting wise well some faces you wont know and some you just wont recognize. But the cast is good and pretty solid each person does a great job as the individual characters. But just not enough time was spent on them to maybe care enough.

Action wise its not great of huge in any way its one main event kinda like the last RAMBO(2008) movie only this film moves faster to get there and then doesnt pack as much punch. It is heart warming at the end and is a good watch but lacks a little something to make it great. So give it a watch when you can.

Best quote: "See. Gods looking out for us".

121 mins long. cert 18. 2013

This gets 6 out of 10 on my finger scale.