Fallout 76 Legendary Vendor

Not worth a fuck a stupid sale for the legendary vendor from 3oct till the 7th oct great with a fucking cap at 150 scrip bullshit means you can only sell things up to that value but fuck off it you have an item at a value of 40 scrip and the vendor machine has only 39 scrip you wont be able to sell it or get the final amount to then go buy random drop box armor shit luckly i saved up 340 before the thing started and wasted that got nothing then got around 120 to 140 each day for a further few hits and all you seem to get is random as fuck pure shite utter trash random shit with random hopeless you trash and try to resell it and get some scrip back but wait its got a daily cap so you cant get shit back and now are stuck with trash you dont need or want and really are better off just selling it for caps in vendors and just go looking around and what folk have to sell and then server hop to find some good shit from other players but even thats a struggle i have never seen a more stupid set up to capping players from earning shit in a game its pointless beyond an hours play you sell shit at vendors with a max of 1400 caps and sell some junk an shit you dont need thats hit so easy these days and then just stop and go play something else cause you cant earn from the game the only thing you can go try for is random legendary drops from random creatures cause you can get some shit or not and even then it can be a much lower level than you are for some random reason. Rant over fucking off to complete my best house on the server lol.