Movie review - Ant Man And The WAsp


Set after the Winter Soldier Scott (Paul Rudd) now on house arrest and unable to go any where or do anything when Hope asks him for help.

Paul Rudd as Scott
Evangeline Lilly as Hope

Michelle Pfeiffer the white gold also starred with Paul Rudd in I Could Never Be Your Woman (2007) as his lover.

So this was fun its a a nice carry on sequel and keeps the story going for Ant Man and the Marvel universe it kicks off with old Ant man stuck at home chilling trying to be good and its got the old man Rodge feel cause hes days from getting free and out and then of course everyone shows up needing his help and then it all kicks off and cue the music. Its kinda a good plot maybe not the best like played out story wise but its good just feels a little under played maybe to simple and the baddie is not really a baddie just a person in the way so its odd these days specially after we got Thanos snapping his fingers at the same time so thats like a sort of flaw in the story that half way around the world aliens show up an Stark goes missing but no mention of it here and leaves the ending for Thonos to not snap little old Ant Man but hey its fun its not ground breaking action or comedy its like a heres what we got while you wait for Avengers 2 Dust Pile to come out.

Cast wise well its all the same faces back but now we add some Larry Fishburne as a sort of Hank Pym nemesis and of course he gets that white gold Michelle cat woman Pfeiffer as his long lost wife from the first movie finally getting rescued. Now we for met at least also introduce Hannah John Kamen as our bad guy/girl and she kinda sucks for the most she bugged me didnt do much to make me think she was good didnt add much to the movie kinda felt flat in here but hey overall nice group.

Was it fun sure would i buy this on dvd or pay out a little more for blue ray nahhh no thanks its fun but i could be fine with never watching this again in my life fun and Lilly is a fucking dime piece and pure eye candy that can act so a bonus but if your into the Marvel universe then go give it a watch dont get to pumped up as its maybe on of the lower key movies little under the radar and underwhelming.

Best quote: "ANTonio".

118 mins long. cert 12. 2018

This gets 6 out of 10 on my finger scale.