Eso - Elitists and idiots online

For fucking years i listen to fucktards online while playing games and while some shit is funny some things are just fucking retarded like most gamers and the worst is the fucking wannabe good gamers the elitists on pc who think they are better haha.

1st. When people say pwnd back in the day and teabag you its funny as fuck but that was from sad lil hobbit gamer on pc who typed in p instead of o.... they are right next to each other on the keyboard funny but really a fuck up but still ok fun to say now an then.

2nd. Noob em no sorry just i cant cant do it its fucking NEWB. 
Dictionary:  Newbie An inexperienced newcomer to something.
so newbie becomes newb not fucking noob lol retards to many little tars on cod over the years that scream out ahhh fuck noobtube got me an its easy and lazy and fast to type in noob mostly cause its Americans that are fucking idiots well its newb get it right cunts.

3rd. Animation caneling in eso IS CHEATING dont try give excuses to your cheating and pretend its a skill or anything else other than cheating by using it and using it well you can bash out 3 times the damage in the same amount of time so you do gain an advantage. It was not ment for this its block cancel to press an attack and then cancel it stopping the attack and letting you change your mind perform something else or block and move not cancel just the animation so you see nothing and get all the damage with no time lost is cheating its a flaw and exploit its a stupid part of the game. For gamers to pretend its a skill its fucking not its attack block attack block thats it thats not skill thats spamming haha thats the furthest thing from a skill and if it was ment to be used then it would be usable on any ability dark deal, jesus beam and so on its fucking not. You using an ability ment for canceling something to then gain an advantage by not showing any movement what so ever and gain the damage your just using a game exploit and to excuse it with "oh but ever one does it" first no they dont and second in the real world people also kill rob and rape people so ? we can all do it yeh its fine lots of people do it NO its being a cunt your using a flaw to gain something on or over someone cause your are not good enough to win straight up legit playing cause your pathetic no one in sports be it olympics or boxing tennis or ufc is permitted to use steroids they are illegal and gain an advantage to the user BUT people still cheat and do it doesnt mean its ok to do or right its simply wrong people doing so say in the olympics if they get caught say 2 years away from the games then they get a ban from that games plust the next one so thats a 6 year ban and cant compete for 10 years here we have no punishment just lazy makers of games not doing anything when a simple fix to remove block cancel would solve it and no more cheaters now you have a level even fair game. Try to give any poor excuse you can for needing to gain an advantage all you want if your doing it in game your a cheater and should be perma banned from Eso.

4th. Sado elitists acting like they are better within games lol ok so if you spend your virgin life playing a game 8 hours a day and then someone else plays it 1 YOUR MENT to be better you fucktard you play 8 times more you daft cunt your not good you just play. For eg back in the dizzy i played and loved cod i played Codwaw about 2.5 hours per day on average i was ranked 41 in the world now for months i never moved a single spot even if played more per day or less and when i looked into the ranking it was cause some fat shut in had played the game 7.5 hours per day i could never catch him on points and all of the 40 above me had more game time and points in fact when checking not a single player in the top 100 had less game time than me and per game of war on cod on hardcore none of them could have or would have beat me they all had less points and kills only 7 had more kills than me and i played against them all and only 1 of them stayed the entire game most left rapid when they had high kd so high it was not a reality to keep all they did was camp not move or help or play for the most french players but all of them left once there kd came down to even they fucked of bar that one guy who played the game and ended with a kd even not his high 3.9 lol. And i ony rate hardcore players core is for special needs kids who eat crayons and lick windows its not even close i dont rate a single core player in the world ever i have watched so called top players on cod on core in live events in so called best groups in the world and wouldnt rate them at all core is not skilled never seen a single video on youtube on core with a killstreak of 10 to 60 that would not have ended at 11 if on hardcore not a single video core is not skilled sorry it just aint.

Now as for say players on eso like Fengrush. Deltia. Woeler and Alcast they are good players but not the best by a long shot they have one huge thing people forget and look over they only exclusively play with the same people and same characters woeler pretty much just plays Tanks thats it same people running doing dps and heals same with fengrush hes only for the most part running with the same people and same builds hes a sort of mix hybrid build doings dps and being tanky but they group hes with do the real work he is talking maybe watching doing more commands and keeping control of the group but having say 4 8 or 12 in a group vs even the same amount of people they should win not based on anything other than the fact they all talk are in a group and work together vs random folk in groups that are from different countries not talking cant talk no mic dont speak english and all the players could be non champ champ 12 or champ 300 vs again say Fengrush and his group they should never fucking lose ever against randoms just never no group or clan should. But this does not make you a great player just cause your in a group that killed everyone else lol your watching on twitch or youtube gamers who are the 1% of gamers playing on that all the time and in groups working on builds getting better working on team play to have things help each other vs randoms in random gear not full sets or even as i have seen in some cases people in good sets and good gear for example but in dungeons not running a bow on the back bar so no volly no buffs no vigor just front bar smash that dual wield and thats it no buffs these guys are all in groups and weak in many ways as they only run with these people they dont find faults or flaws in the build as it works well with others its not solo based its not based on other things not playing with others gives you only one view thats with thos guys protecting you try watch deltia or someone run in random groups from random guilds no mates with him no one talking in group chat not one in charge see how well he does then and his heals when healing in pvp are dodgy to say the least for the most part of me watching him has been hes in a group chucks shards then "ok guys back up to the tress" and he runs off and does as a healer your ment to heal them in battel and deal with it not run off behind trees lol and then leave them for dead hope that that special needs kids you play against on pc dont figure out running round the tree as well. For the most part when i watch these people its good groups good builds good team pla but no real fucking tactics or thought they jump in on battles they cant or shouldnt win or get wiped out fast falling back to tree lines cause they fights not going how they want it. And the amount of cp these people have and the builds may be great but for most people they are in builds 99% of gamers wont ever get or have cause you need to run trials or dungeons on vet II and have good groups and only play with friends over and over even now with the bonos of swapping items you still only have a small chance of getting things so to have 11 other people all like here take it have it make a build and video this doesnt happen to real players with no names on youtube this is unrealistic gaming to have donations from dozens of players cause they want a shout out on youtube lol to suck up some gamers ass and give them mats an items is not how other people get to play or get builds. To have all these advantages groups builds help teamwork cp and more experience doenst make you better at a game just someone whos got everything stack in their favor lol so to act a set way with other gamers is just stupid and cunty.