The story unfolds backstage at three iconic product launches starting in 1984 ending in 1998 with the unveiling of the imac.
Michael Fassbender as Jobs
Kate Winslet as Joanna
Jeff Daniels as Sculley
Seth Rogan as Wozniak
Each of the three main sequences were filmed in 16mm 35mm and digital to show the advancement in the years of apple. It tanked at the box office even with such a low budget and great cast it was pulled just a few weeks into its release
A good few scenes well more that the movies so good its not like many stand out as super goo to remember but one of my favorites has to be the scene on the rooftop car park with Fassbender and Perla who plays his kid.
Ok this is a movie i kinda forgot about i seen fuck all trailers for it past last year in june i think seen nothing for it in december when it came out no wonder it tanked at the box office and went unseen by so many people and yet its fantastic. Its no fucking action box office save the world adventure nor is it really gonna win any oscars but its a great movie with some great writing very original and the cast knocked it outa the park for me.
We start in 1984 as Jobs is about to go live at the launch of his latest work and we have his ex girlfriend i guess show up with his kid bitching she wants money (typical american woman) and then the movie cuts through parts of his life showing us partly his personal life and part of behind the scenes of launch events. All in great fun and a great style and way to do it but in parts with the cut backs to memories i wanted more or less as its a strange new way to show a movie as much as say MEMENTO(2000) was great the movie style bugged me constant cutting back and back and back but here i felt the movie sorta nails it for the most and does a god Job huh get it lol any ways.
So all in as silly or simple as it may seem the movie has very little flaws in it and really was touching in parts as his character gets older and shows signs of affection towards to his kid part of me would have liked it a bit longer twenty minutes or so but a good watch and a movie i enjoyed for once as most flicks these days have been poor and a let down and this wasnt one of those. Its not gonna be a movie you ever watch more than twice in your lifetime its not a stick it on dvd action flick its more like a play you go see and then its done. But catch a watch when you can.
Best quote: "Its not a painting" Fuck off".
122 mins long. cert 18. 2015
This gets 8 out of 10.