In the near future Logan (Hugh Jackman) tries to live a quit life while he cares for an old Professor X when one day the a young girl enters his world.
Hugh Jackman as Logan
Patrick Stewart as Charles
Dafne Keen as Laura
Patrick Stewart lost 21 pounds for the role to look older and more frail.
Em the opening was really great starts you off with a feel and tone for the movie plus some great action and heavy violence its border line Robocop(1987) with the action. Some of the softer touches of the movie with Logan and Charles were great to i wanted more of those.
Really enjoyed this i had seen that trailer with Johnny Cash singing and just got so hyped for the movie and never felt like i would be let down and wasnt.
Starting with waking up Logan with retards trying to jack his wheels lol then of course he kicks into gear as Wolverine but a slower much older and slightly hungover version of himself not the version we see in all the other movies its uber violent and sets a nice tone to it. Then we have some catch up and showing where hes at in the world and its not a fancy school for the gifted and luxury things we have seen with flying jets an halls made from glass lol this place is is a few vodkas away from being mad max world and while Logans doing odd jobs trying to earn cash to pay for Professor X medications hes also kind of keeping him safe/prisoner as he keeps him out of sight and far away from anyone looking for him an locked away in some old water storage to stop any of his powers from hurting anyone if he has a melt down. Of course in comes the main plot and some kid shows up and needs help yawn seen it before but this aint Commando(1985) and some missing kid adventure it is very different in its approach . Its got huge violence but not to much action maybe even light on the action for me in places but when it does kick in its heavy. It feels a little flat at one point and then sort of picks up for the end and seem for me at least to end to fast lol i wanted more and didnt want the adventure to end or stop.
Cast wise well when i see some kid in the trailer i get nervous normally cause they can suck worse two dollar hooker with braces but in this case i didnt worry cause they style and feel shes given is not the over talky kid who uses adult dialogue instead its kinda like Newt in Aliens(1986) shes got that kinda role that it works in her favor that and well well all know shes mini Wolverine so we are on her side and the kid did a great job. My person favorite was Sir Patrick Of Stewart i was looking forward to him an old man Jackman having a movie together and while i did enjoy it and them i thought they could have done more with them just as friends within the movie but its kind of heart breaking in ways to watch the characters played as older and frail an to see Charles lose control of his abilities at times and then see him remember later on what hes done and well it liked it. Hugh is well hes Hugh so he did his thing an not really expecting him to suck as hes been Wolverine and cast as him since 1999 so 16 years of playing him with him playing the character 8 times hes put on the vest and jeans lol. Did it have an ending i wanted no and many of the people i hoped didnt die did that and i really didnt want the stupid Wolverine clone thing in the movie that was kinda dumb but ok i let it go but overall i did really enjoy it and would recommend it for dvd later... ok download haha.
This is a must watch movie if you liked any of the other times you see Wolverine fuck the xmen movies but if you loved Wolverine go see this and dont miss out on Jackmans goodbye t the character and world.
Prepare for double the impact by way of Wolverine on Wolverine fights :)
Best quote: "Got ourselves an xmen fan".
137 mins long. cert 15. 2017
This gets 8 out of 10 on my finger scale.